Monday, December 29, 2014

Merry Happy Hoho and a Happy New Adventure!

Greetings all!  Hope your festive season has been treating you well.  Mine has been lovely, aside from a stomach flu going through the house.  The husband is home with me for a while :) and the kiddo's been learning the fun of skating.  My first Christmas concert experience was awesome!  I seriously have the cutest kid in the world.  No, mine is cuter.  Seriously, don't even try ;-)

So!  What are your plans for 2015?  I was looking at renewing my memberships today (oy vey!) in preparation.  My priority is going to be getting miss Tex out in the show ring to promote her until she sells and Ritchie, of course.  On Thursday, I'll be taking Mr. Man back to the barn to spend some quality time with his favourite person (second to myself of course).  Roland will have Ritchie has his personal riding horse for the next year or so.  We'll see them (and me on my pony too!) out in the show ring among other places, no doubt.  While my family and I prepare for a move south, having Ritchie with Roland takes a lot off my plate.  He'll still be standing for breeding (Ritchie, not Roland) this summer. 

In the mean time, Miss Tex... Amberlea's got shows starting soon but we're looking at March to get in.  There's also Ponoka.  I guess it all depends on when we can get the girlie back to the barn and work. 

So no big decisions today. Tomorrow I get to go out to dinner with one of my favourite people in the world.  Can't wait to see what adventures she's got lined up. 

And to you, as always, happy horseing!
Baby Ritchie and Baby Tex

Monday, December 15, 2014

Recovery Monday

What a weekend!  I had the immense pleasure of meeting 29 new equine first-aid certified horse lovers in Wainwright, Ab and Macklin, Sk.  It was a weekend of fairly terrible weather with freezing rain around Edmonton and east on my way out and heavy ice fog from Macklin to Tofield on my way home!  But I'll be honest, the company, enthusiasm, energy and experience was totally worth it! 

One of the lovely ladies I met in Wainwright had this to tell me today: "Yep one of the horses my boss owns went through a fence and tore up his thigh enough to need stitches. That bandage technique held up right to the Sedgwick vet! Your course was worth every penny!" She's already gotten her money's worth.  This is why I teach first aid.  It's real, it saves lives!

One of the horses that was in to be one of our demo horses in Macklin came out of her stall looking quite uncomfortable.  She had apparently just had her feet trimmed.  Now I'm not farrier but she looked to be a little short on the wall and walking on her sole to me, but again, I'm not farrier and I've often been wrong.  Right away I started checking vitals and condition.  She had feat from all 4 feet, more in her fronts, little bowel sounds, normal temperature and a heart rate of 52 (obviously responding to pain.)  I shared the info with her concerned owners and they opted to give her some bute and put her in the soft footing of the arena and keep an eye on her.  An hour or two later, she looked far more comfortable and relaxed.  She was still tender on the walk back to the stall but not as concerning like she was. 

Merry Christmas to the horses belonging to those 29 people!  I don't know if there's a better present for them. 

Speaking of presents, my best friends have been a little spoiled this year.  The one got enlarged and artistically treated photos of her two horses in custom frames.  I have to say, it's a present I would like to get too!  The second has half her present still to arrive from Europe, but half is with her.  I'd ordered her a beautiful black and white show halter from a company I've dealt with several times before.  I'd gone to my favourite tack store and bought a halter plate for it.  After a couple of months, the halter still hadn't arrived and had somehow gotten turned around at customs.  But while looking again at the halter, I realized that it had SILVER fittings, not BRASS like the halter plate I'd ordered!!  Oh no!  So back to the tack store and order another SILVER plate and then pick up a nylon stable halter (with brass fittings) to put the previous halter plate on.  Le sigh.  The show halter still hasn't arrived, but the company assures me it will make its return shortly, but she's received her "interim" halter.  Hopefully everything will be together for her birthday. 

What do I want for X-mas?  You know, I really NEEEEED nothing.  I'd like a bit for Ritchie with brass rings, but the store I order from is currently out of his size. We could do some monogrammed stable blankets or something?  I don't know.  Next year, I'm going to choose a charity and ask that people donate rather than giving gifts to me.  I like the idea for the whole family (well, aside from the kids really...)

Anyways, happy holidays to all of you!  and, as always, happy horseing!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Shipper Whoas!

With our Jasper boy being sold to a lovely lady south of the border, we now have a new challenge.  We're trying to find a GOOD, experienced shipping company to transport little man down across the boarder to his new mom.  So far, the one shipper I've used before and trust, has responded to my inquiry and won't be available until April to take him down.  We've got word on the name of another shipper who runs the rout regularly but I've not had very good reviews on them recently by my very dearest friend.  And, of course, there is a company that's had several very poor reviews by a number of friends that we just won't entertain.  So we keep looking.  In the mean time, little man is getting ready for his first trim on Friday.  Had to back it up due to the farrier coming down with a flu. 

In this season, I tend to get my itch on for next year's show season.  Little buckskin mare is going to need to get out to a couple of shows, I think.  Not sure if I'm really looking forward to riding her in preparation, again, nothing wrong with her, we just don't mesh, but I am looking forward to getting back into the Arab circuit a little!

After getting my X-mas shopping all done this year, I've come to the conclusion that next year, I'm donating to charity instead of buying presents for my family.  I mean the kids, sure, they get presents, but for the rest of my family, I'm going to donate in their names.  None of us really need anything anyways! 

So there's my ramblings for the night.  Renate, you can't say I'm not blogging.  You can certainly comment on the questionable quality of the content, but at least it's current.  :)

G'night y'all and happy horseing!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Adventures Await!

Sunday, right down to the wire, the end of the RPSI on-line foal auction's sealed-bid portion.  That's it, the very end of the event.  No solid bids on Jasper.  I'd become quite sure that I'd be working towards showing him on the Arab shows in 2015, even talked with someone on the Aurora show committee and asked them to make the in-hand classes for junior horse for ALL junior horses, not ages 2+.  All of a sudden I get an e-mail from Ann from RPSI.  There's a bid!  Someone is interested in Jasper!  The bid meets our reserve!  Holy cow!  This is real!  The sale closes and our boy is heading to Spokane Washington! 

Today I've had the pleasure of exchanging e-mails and learning about the lovely lady who will be adding Jasper to her family.  I would like to go down with him and give her a hug!  She literally sounds like EXACTLY the home I was picturing for him.  She has been looking for a half-Arab and is involved in showing on the circuit.  He's going to a one-horse home where he'll be loved and spoiled and treated like the special little man he is. 

This is new for me, I've never sold a horse out of country before but I was really hoping he would go down south to continue to promote Ritchie for us. 
Maybe they have a friend who is interested in a half-Arab x QH buckskin mare!!! 

Anyways, huge congratulations to Sharon, and Jasper, you go make us proud buddy!  We love you. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

What's Cookin'?

I guess we haven't really talked about what's in the oven for 2015 foals yet, have we?  Well, I'm expecting 3 foals from my very special mares next year from Ritchie. 

The first bred is my incredible Standardbred mare, Promise.  I had bred her in 2013 and did not have a foal from her this year so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she'll have something for me in the spring. I love this mare because I love Standardbreds but her specifically even more for a few reasons.  Firstly, she's such quality.  She's beautiful, much like a tall Morgan, over 16.1 hh, patient, so well put together with a huge trot (obviously) she's sosensible and she's from the same stud as my boy Jose Jalapeno.  Having a foal from her is like bringing together both Ritchie and Jose and my lost heart horse Sam all in one. I'm not going to let this foal go easily.

Second, I bred our big buckskin QH mare.  Yes, unconventional, but she's produced consistent quality to Arab studs and I think what we're going to have out of this one is a substantial powerhouse of a sweet, kind and level-headed eye catcher.  Something that would look a lot like an Irish Draught.  Nix has produced me two fantastic half-Arab offspring, both buckskins out of Bay (or grey born bay) stallions.  Tex has proven to be a bit of a late bloomer, but at 4 years old, she's certainly coming into her own now.  Unfortunately we'll never know what incredible things Monty would have gone onto. 
Pyrotecnix SE at 4 years
Monty at 2 months

Lastly, I'm expecting our first warmblood x warmblood!  Yes, I did something traditional too!  My Gervantus x Tango Selune mare Lilyana should be producing us her first foal.  Lana is a substantial mare, loves attention, with big jumper lines.  Obviously that foal is going to need to find a home with someone who likes air time!  It's a different sort of Grand Prix!

If you're interested in reserving one of these foals in utero, please feel free to contact me to set up ultrasound and details.  All foals will be registered with the RPSI.

Happy Horseing!



Still here!  Yes, yes we are!  How about you?

What's new?  Well, miss Tex is currently at the barn, has been for 4 days getting ready to meet some new people interested in looking at her.  I'm not a fan of Tex on a good day, not because she's a bad horse.  In all fairness, she's a pretty good girl considering her lack of experience and education as a foal/filly.  She and I just don't click. 

Anyways, so she's been at the barn for 4 whole days and I've been riding her getting ready to show her to potential buyers.  And you know what?  I'm actually enjoying her!  Every day she's getting a little better.  Her attitude has been fantastic and she's getting stronger and rounder and more forward. 

This is her 4th ride back with my lovely friend Andie aboard.  She'd never met her let alone ridden her but did me the favour of taking her for a quick round so I could video her:
Here's a clip of her from a month earlier with my good friend Craig Hodgman aboard.  see?  Cute over fences!  Like her as a hunter.

LePremieur SE owned by Renate Price

Today, the colts also got gelded!  L'Image SE and LePremieur SE are both now geldings.  The procedure went easy as pie and now the rest of their lives will be too!  I know weaning and gelding is a rough time for the little guys and we always feel sorry for them.  But today, coming out of their sedation, I had to take a video of the boys.  Oh my lord, laughed and laughed! 

I know you'd be disappointed if I didn't share that so it's here:

Now, our beautiful Jasper colt (L'Image SE) has been through the RPSI auction and unfortunately hadn't received bids BUT I'm a big fan of what the RPSI does for programs and they have continued with the un-sold colts in a sealed-bid sale this week!  How cool is that?!  Here's a promo I put together for Jasper.
If you're interested in talking with the RPSI about him, please feel free to contact them.  They have his vet paperwork, his inspection scores and comments and bloodlines all available to you there.

Now, if you've made it through all of that, then you should have your fill of us now.  Hope you have a great day and lots of Happy Horseing!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Grumble Grumble

I started out with a bad day.  It seemed that today I had more than my fair share of (forgive me) stupid people.  I've had frustrations in selling some of my horses, people being noncommittal, changing their minds last minute or asking questions that have very obvious answers if they just look.  Just argh! 

My little girl had gone to her best friend's for a sleep over last night so I decided to leave all the frustrations at home and go get my girl.  The mom of her best friend is a lovely young lady, she's helped me out having Ali over a few nights so I could work, in addition to sleep overs.  I wanted to do something for her so I stopped in and bought her a Visa gift card to say thanks. 

I've learned that the only thing I have control over in my life is me.  That's it.  On days like today, when I keep banging my head against a wall in frustration, I need to make a change.  The best way I've found to cause change is to create a new chain, one of POSITIVITY!  Doing something small, something kind for someone else changes the "vibration" around me to something positive and usually grows in several directions from there.  And today was no exception.  Although my Ali girl seemed a little over tired, the rest of my day was actually quite lovely and relaxing. 

Never forget, the only one who has control of your life is YOU! 

Happy Horseing!

Sunday, September 14, 2014


Well, the trip to Okotokes for the RPSI inspection at Bri-Mel Farm this September turned out to be a little wetter and a whole lot whiter than we'd anticipated with the area getting over 30 cm of SNOW dumped on them on the inspection date! 

Fortunately the foals were quite easy to load with their moms, once we figured out our game plan.  Renate purchased herself a lovely 4-horse rig and we christened it with taking both broodmares and their foals all the way down to Okotokes for inspection.  They travelled well and Ali, Ritchie and I followed a couple of hours later.  The drive down was quite good, a little wet with drizzle, but nothing exciting.  The horses all settled in well and we were treated to a delicious dinner with top-notch company (thanks Deb!) before heading over to my favourite adopted family's home for the night. 

Up and at 'em early in the morning and the snow had already started!  Heavy, wet snow!  The colts and dams were not happy and were shivering when we got to the farm, but got into the hay well in the shelter once we arrived.  Ritchie's sheet had soaked through so we changed him and fed him up.  They were all a little better with a belly full.  We got registration done in a cold barn as the power had been knocked out at Bri-Mel.  Poor Brian was working his tail off trying to get things in serviceable order with a generator for the registration office.  The hospitality there, as always, was top notch! 

All in all, the horses did well.  Ritchie came in and seemed relieved to be out of the weather for a bit.  He was cold and honestly didn't give me as much movement as he can, but he still did very well.  He went through the jump chute and gave us a glimpse of a brilliant bascule at 3'9".  He scored an 8 for his canter and an overall 7. For a 4-year-old colt in the COLD AND WET, I'm very pleased with that. 

The colts came in and each scored 7.2 for silver premiums.  For half-Arab colts, I'm ecstatic with those results! 

Ali and I ended up staying over another night in Okotokes due to the snow while Renate went home with the mares and colts.  She kept saying something about taking her new horse out cross country schooling... what people do to jump their horses over solid objects...  I will never understand.  But they all went safely, she got to the cross country, bought herself a new mare and today won a championship derby on her.  So all in all, she's golden!

I am interested in having Ritchie approved with a Canadian registry now, but haven't committed to either yet.  I think it will depend on what mares come in next.  In the mean time, I have x-rays and a phenomenal vet report.  I've actually never heard of a horse flexing 100% sound and having flawless x-rays, but Ritchie does! 

I'm off to ride now, happy horseing!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Opportunity of a LIFETIME!

Photo: Cam McGregor
 Jose and I had a thrilling weekend with the RCMP Musical Ride at WELCA.  We started out with a trail ride through Edmonton starting at WELCA and ending up at the Cross Cancer Clinic on Saturday morning.  It was the wrap-up ride for the Wild Pink Yonder.  This was Jose's very first trail ride and, although he was a little impatient, he handled the whole experience extremely well!  Lots of media was present and we later saw ourselves on the morning Global news. 

Saturday evening saw our first performance in the ring.  Jose had already had a big day and he didn't give me his all although he did still perform well for me.  The crowd was enthusiastic and seemed to enjoy what we offered. 

Sunday was a fantastic day.  We took extra time to warm up before our performance to make sure all our movements were solid.  A few photographers were behind the scenes and one snapped a few fantastic pictures of Jose and I including the one above, which is on its way to becoming a wall hanging!  I was simply thrilled with how Jose performed for this show, every trick was perfect, people laughed at my joke and cheered well for us! 

Photo Cam McGregor

 After the RCMP ride, we had a quick photo op.  Unfortunately I had had a nasty cold and laryngitis and I missed the announcement to have him ready and in the ring with the RCMP until almost too late.  Fortunately, we still got this incredible shot:

Photo DevLynn Northy

As for the RCMP horses and riders, they were all just lovely!  I really enjoyed spending the weekend with these wonderful men and women.  They were very similar to the military family that I have learned to love over the years.  We all joked that Jose could fit right in on the trailer with their horses as several members had to take a triple-take when I walked Jose out before they got familiar with us.  One rider had joked that I should upgrade to one of the RCMP horses.  I told him there was no upgrading, this horse is the best there is.  After the second show, he agreed too :) 

All in all, hats off to the WELCA for setting up a wonderful show, to all of the volunteers and other performers who came to the show and to the members of the RCMP musical ride.  Thank you for an opportunity I will never forget! 

Happy Horseing!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Jose Jalapeno and I at the RCMP Musical Ride!

I got some fantastic news today!  I received an e-mail from the Whitemud Equine Learning Centre inviting Jose Jalapeno and I to perform at the pre-show for the RCMP Musical Ride next weekend, August 30 and 31.  Holy Hannah I can't say no to that, what a great opportunity!!!

So with just over a week to prepare, Jose and I will be performing our tricks on both days to provide entertainment and education to the public before enjoying the Musical Ride.  It's such an honour to be invited to participate, it means the world to me to be able to share my special boy in this arena. 

So much work goes into training these horses to perform and Jose loves it.  He feeds off the energy and thrives on it. 

It sounds like the Wild Pink Yonder ride will be making a trek from WELCA to the Cross Cancer Institute on the Saturday morning so we aim to be part of that as well. 

If you're interested in taking in the show, tickets are available at

We're looking forward to seeing you there! 

Happy Horseing!

And Sometimes Life Happens to Good People

Unfortunately for the lovely young lady who was intent on purchasing our Jasper colt, life has happened and she is unable to commit to him at this time.  I completely respect and understand that. My first priority is our horses and would rather have them with us then sell them to a home that's just not 100% ready for them. 

So, once again, L'Image SE (LaBamba SE x DTD Fancy That) is available for purchase.  He is RPSI (can be inspected for premium status this September and branded or registered and branded next year) and can be registered with the CAHR as well.  I highly recommend both.  My asking price is $4000 CAD with both sets of papers and gelding.  Of course, the right home is my primary concern and I will happily work with the right match.

Please feel free to contact me to come out and meet our personable and handsome little man. 

Happy Horseing!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Ze Babies!

Oh look at me.  It's been a month and a half already!  And guess what??!!!  We have two beautiful, healthy, BIG colts from our mares by Ritchie. 

Fancy (DTD Fancy That) was the first to foal, about 8:30 in the afternoon July 14 she produced us a lovely bay boy with 4 socks and a big star.  His name is L'Image SE (Jasper).  I'm ecstatic that the pair actually produced more chrome than either one of them have. 
Jasper is very pretty, just like his mom, and very friendly.  He's a nibbler, but inquisitive and bold - aside from his halter.  He has a serious pout about that. 

A couple of weeks later, Bay Mare (Bardo Bay Barb) finally had her colt.  Another bay with 4 socks, this fella has a small star and a faint strip and he is TAAAALL!!  Although a little more reserved than his brother, LePremieur SE (Sullivan - Sully) is already showing he has the movement to concur any arena (or cross-country course).  We are very excited about the pair of colts and can't wait to see what's in store for next year's breedings! 

I'm very proud to announce that both colts are sold. 

We will be heading south to the RPSI inspection in Okotokes in a few weeks with the colts, their moms and Ritchie.  I can not wait to see how they score. 

Jasper says "Happy Horseing!!!"

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Pictures of a Different Flavour - Tastes Like AWESOME!!

Renate, mark this on the calendar.  2 posts on one day! 

There's this incredible photographer.  She's a regular face at horse shows.  Perhaps you have the pleasure of knowing her too - Linda Finstad of A Sharper Image Photography. 

This delightful lady has an imagination rivaled by only the most brilliant and creative.  She has a beautiful smile, a contagious laugh and one heck of an eye for all things equine. 

Several months ago, Linda posted on facebook that she was dreaming up a unique photo shoot where she would be the subject. She would need a cooperative horse and outdoor scenery.  Well I have those so I volunteered my services and those of my ponies.  Last week, Linda contacted me to take me up on my offer!  What a cool opportunity!  She shared with me her vision, using Jose's trick-horse skills and she herself would be the subject (model) in a steam-punk outfit she'd created.  Heck yes, count me in! 

We booked the date and got perfect weather.  My wonderful friend, Susan Scott of Natural Dynamic Photography would arm the camera, I would wrangle the horse and Linda would be stunning.  And so it worked!  Jose was a little unexcited about being told to lay down on very hard ground (it's like cement in places out here!) but did cooperate in the end to facilitate some FANTASTIC images!  Linda said she wanted "quirky" and I think she got that but even more - and I mean that in a very good way.  I love the unique images and the character that speaks through. 

What a fantastic opportunity and I'm so glad to share - compliments of Susan, Linda, Jose and myself!

If you'd like to see more work by these talented ladies, check them out at their websites:

Canada Day Celebration at Hawkstone Stables

This July 1, Hawkstone Stables celebrated their first anniversary.  I was very happy to return for this year's "Open Barn" with Jose Jalapeno and we also brought Ritchie with us this time.  I couldn't pass up the opportunity for him to experience more activity, heavy horse wagon rides, all sorts of people and horses moving around and general exuberance. 

Jose came out first to perform his trick-horse demonstration and educate the public on what fantastic horses Standardbreds are.  We were fortunate to have some lovely aspiring young photographers in the mix who were kind enough to share some of their images with us! 

Always the crowd favourite! 

Ritchie came out later in the afternoon for a trip around on the lunge line as he has been on vacation for the past month.  He was happy to strut his manly stuff and we even played with putting him over a couple of barrels! 


 Yeah... he didn't want to touch those either. 

We played with a bit of tricks as well, haven't done any work on them for a long time.  He stepped up on the box very well, remembered his wave and smiled at everyone.  Once he was out and working, he was quick to focus back on me and enjoyed doing his job.  I think he's about ready to go back to work now, or soon.  Maybe it's me who's not yet ready to go back to work! 

Happy Horseing! 

Thursday, June 5, 2014


Today, he's OFFICIALLY 4 years old. 

A friend was talking about the time she was losing not getting her horse to a show she really wanted to show in.  Her horse is no where near retirement.  There is no reason she can't show in that particular show next year.  I thought to myself, my gosh, it's been 6 years, 6 YEARS! to get Ritchie down centreline for the very first time in Training/First level!  That's no where near our eventual goal of Grand Prix!  How many more years will that be??!!!  It's not the time, it's the JOURNEY that keeps us going. 

Anyways, for Ritchie's birthday, we gave him his broodmares.  Promise did not carry through :( but she's a maiden mare so we will try her one more time.  My Gervantus II filly, Lilyana, is also in with him, she's 4 as well so this will be her first time being bred. 

He had been standing by the gate for 3 days in his paddock, not playing with the geldings anymore, not very happy.  So we took the geldings out and I went in and took him behind his shelter while my mom and husband brought in the mares.  He perked right up, soooo excited, he knew what was happening, we do this the same way every year.  Once they had the halters off the mares, I unclipped Ritchie's lead rope and he ran over to the girls!  Happy boy!  Promise did not like how forward he was in his introduction and spent the next 2 hours keeping him no less than 20 feet away from her and Lana at any given time.  His expression changed to a big-boy POUT!!!  "You guys aren't supposed to be mean to me!!!" 
By the end of the day, Promise came around and has been following the big boy around like a love-sick teenager.  Lana's still not quite sure what's going on.  I'm not totally sure when she's due to come into heat yet, but I don't think it will be for at least 10 days. 

Ritchie's much more relaxed and happy now having his female company. 

Happy Birthday fella! 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Pretty Ribbons

Oh boy, back to back to back pony weekends!  What a rush!  After Mane Event, we had a few days to recoup and get organized to take Ritchie to Ponoka to our very first show together.  The PAADA hosted an EC-sanctioned sliver rated show at the new facility and boy was it ever fantastic! 

PAADA Ponoka
Originally I'd planned to take Ritchie just down to Maple Leaf Meadows for their schooling show, but they'd cancelled the show on Monday :(  Fortunately I was able to get the boy into Ponoka on very short notice.  I booked my hotel and off we went!  Ritchie was fantastic.  He was a little tense and unsure, but handled the environment exceptionally well for such a young horse.  He didn't even spook at the judge's tables.  We rode conservative tests on Saturday earning a third and fourth place ribbon but Sunday we were ready for more.  We rode solo in our two hack classes, but again, good experience.  When we headed back down centreline for our first-level test 1 after the hacks, he felt relaxed and confident.  We rode to a 66% and FIRST PLACE!!!  I cried I was so excited for him!  A fantastic experience and environment.  I absolutely recommend the PAADA shows in Ponoka to anyone who's looking for a silver or bronze EC show for their horses.  So well run, fantastic!! 

AJYR day 1
Ritchie and I got 2 days off and then straight back to work with a reset of his shoes and off to Red Deer for the AJYR dressage show.  I registered to ride training and first-level tests on Friday and Sunday as I had a first-aid clinic to teach on Saturday.  The weather wasn't in our favour and the entire environment at the Westerner was so overwhelming and BIG that Ritchie and I had one heck of a time finding our balance together.  Thursday's ride actually found a BUCK during our schooling ride!  Fortunately for me, it was one and he stayed under me.  The wind came up, horses were moving around, broken tents were flapping away in the wind and my confidence was seriously shaken.  We worked and worked and finally found a happy place to leave our ride for the night, but Friday saw me back in the same place, feeling unsure on a distracted young man.  The gods, however, smiled upon me and sent me an angel in the form of one of the best friends a girl could ever ask for.  We double checked the rule books with the Steward and show office and Renate got up on the pony for me.  After about 10 minutes of hacking him around, she handed him back to me and we were both way more relaxed and focused.  We had scratched our first 2 classes (training test 1 and our 4 year old Materiel class) because I didn't feel confident that morning, but we were ready for our first level test one.  It wasn't our best ride, but it was consistent and earned us a 67.7%!!!!  HOORAY!!!!

Saturday Renate hacked the boy while I taught my course and I took him for a walk with a few tricks in the evening when I got back to the grounds.  It was so windy, but good for a change of pace.

Sunday was off to a fantastic start and our warm up felt so good that I was sure we could take our training level test, until a gelding walked past us in a 2-tone scrim sheet that Ritchie just couldn't get past.  It was so odd, but he was totally disturbed by that sheet!  It broke his concentration significantly and shook my confidence again.  Immediately we had to go in for our test and our ride suffered.  We came out with a 54%, 2 4's on our score sheet for terrible halts (and they were!) but a 3rd place ride in the end.  He went back to his stall to settle down and get back to zen, which he did, thankfully! 
First-level test 1, two tests, both first
When we brought him back out for our first-level test, I had Mr. Dependable back!  :)  We rode a far more determined test and had some bobbles (but good baby bobbles) in our lengthen trot (canter steps) and our lengthen canter (a clean flying change - totally my fault!) earning us 4's again, but all in all a far better test.  We finished with a 64% and another first-place ribbon!  I'm so glad we got to finish on such a high note. 

I had the pleasure of not only having one of my very best friends come to help me ride, braid and otherwise be mom 2.0 to Ritchie, but Anthony surprised me and came home from work early and spent the day with us at the show!  He even bought the boy a new bridle, which looks just fantastic on him!!!  It mean the world to me to have him there to watch and cheer me on. 

Now, a short week of rest as we take a mini family vacation down south to Okotokes.  It will be great to have some family-focused time together.  I think the next show on the calendar is the bronze show at High Thorn on June 7.  Sounds like a good time! 

Happy Horseing! 

Monday, April 28, 2014


Wow what a weekend!  It's so good to be home but I'm a little sad to be away from all of the incredible horse-enthused environment!

Jose Jalapeno and I headed down on Thursday and settled into the barn.  We had a nice ride in the arenas and ended up riding alone in both rings.  No horses anywhere, but a tractor came in.  Jose was great!  We walked through the parking lot and half way down the race track, no issues!  Jose was interested in looking around but had a loose rein and kept to a walk.  My best boy!!!!  He had a bath and snuggled into his stall while I went to see what the CSN team had done with the booth.  WOW!!!  Man alive are those girls talented!!!! 

Friday Jose and I performed a Standardbred demo solo in front of the crowd.  He was perfect!!!  We had rear, lay down, play dead, sit, everything!  Couldn't have been more proud.  Right after, we got tacked up and met Peggy Brown for the Balanced Rider clinic.  What a lovely lady!  It was likely the best clinic I could have picked for the boy and he was fantastic!!!  Energetic, like always, but focused and brave. 

Saturday was less busy for us, we got to do another solo Standardbred demo and Jose was certainly more ramped up with the packed stands and energy from the crowd.  He wanted to perform, for sure, but just a little too excited to stay in his lay down and play dead.  He was still so fun to perform with and the crowd seemed to really like him!  <3

Sunday we got to ride with Peggy again.  By his 4th day in the stall, Jose wanted to go OUT and PLAAAAY!!!  He had gotten a treatment and massage in the morning from the incredible Jody Schulze-McMann of Broken Spur Equine Therapy so he felt FANTASTIC.  Again, he was very energetic and wasn't very interested in standing still and relaxing.  I can't blame him.  Still, he was with me, trying to do what I was asking for, and being a joy to work with.  Peggy said she quite liked him too.  :)

My family had come down to spend Saturday evening and Sunday with me!  <3 It really meant the world to me to have their support. 

In two weeks I'll be back down to the grounds with Ritchie this time to ride in the AJYR dressage show.  Woo hooo!  Better get out to the barn and get on him now. 

Happy Horseing! 

Friday, April 11, 2014

A New Hole in My Head!

But sometimes the universe just tells you something needs to happen and so you throw your hands up, thank your lucky stars your family is so supportive and head off to Grand Prairie to pick up a colt and bring him home. 

Yep, we have a new addition.  Right now we will call him "Eddie" and see if something more permanent sticks.  Eddie came with the name "Sam" but I'm afraid I've already had one heart horse with that name, so it's effectively retired.  "Eddie" came from Pomeroy Arabians, what an INCREDIBLE facility.  It was a true pleasure to be out there. 

I got a call from the beautiful and very kind Jill Jardie about this colt being available to a good home.  He's sound, bred to the nines (seriously, OMG) and all sorts of eye catching.  He just hasn't been worked with and no one has the time to commit to him.  He just needs his own person.  I agreed to bring him home, for whatever purpose, and see what life would have in store for him.  When I met him, the strangest thing happened.  I really felt CHOSEN by this little fella.  I walked into his stall, he looked at me with both eyes and both ears and within 5 minutes, I had his face in my chest and we were hugging.  If I'm outside now, he watches me.  Not with suspicion, but with curiosity. 

I had taken Jose up with me as I knew he would be a very reliable and trustworthy travel buddy for the little fella to bond with.  By doing that, I was able to teach a mini trick clinic/demo with him to 5 wonderful people and their group of supporters.  The team at the Pomeroy barn is just wonderful.  Such an inviting and welcoming feeling. 

We made it home without incident, unloaded and fed up the fellas.  Today is farrier day but we will let the new guy settle in a few weeks before we talk about farrier work.  He'd never left the property before, this is a big deal for him.  Just lots of snuggles and being around him for now. 

Anyways, I am looking for any name suggestions as I will get to register him myself.  He is purebred Arab out of Insinuating HJE (Ffamess x Psyches Seduction and by Jiuliusz De Wiec (Debowiec x Jiullya el Jamaal).

Happy Horseing!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Hey! Remember Me?

Greetings virtual friends!  I recently had a very dear friend remind me that it's now been over a year since my last blog entry.  My goodness how time has flown!  Incidentally, this friend has not entered in her own blog  since before my own last post... just sayin is all! 

So!  How are ya?  What's new in your world?  Exciting plans for this year?  Yes, us too! 

This past weekend was a big one for us.  Two big events, two different horses and only one of me.  Man I wish I could clone myself BUT the second best thing is certainly to have a best friend who is enough like me to be able to take one of my horses to his very first show.  Let me back up and tell you about it. 

Northland's Farm and Ranch Show
Photo Credit: Natural Dynamic Photography
Jose Japaleno, my incredible Standardbred gelding, and I were invited to perform a mini clinic with Horseplay and Harmony at the 3-day trade show.  Caylyn and I had an incredible time with our boys and Riley and Jose performed like champs for the crowds.  I'm so fortunate to be part of such an incredible partnership, with my horse and with Caylyn in our venture. 
Northland's was a fantastic host and set things up for us to be incredibly convenient and safe.  The horses were stabled directly across from our booth, the round pen only 25 feet away, water station and rest rooms just at the end of the stall ally too!  My barn baby was incredible and played and amused herself for the duration of the show.  What a good kid! 
We were followed on the first day by a gentleman from Northland's with a video camera.  I would assume that somewhere we will appear in some promotional material for them in the future.  It will be cool to see!  On day 2, a reporter from the Western Producer came and spent time with us, talked about our horses, our clinics and what we do.  We'll have to keep an eye out for an article to show up there too!  All in all, one incredible opportunity and we're so proud to have been able to be part of the show. 

Maple Leaf Meadows Schooling Dressage Show
Have I mentioned I'm one of the most fortunate people in the world?  I have an INCREDIBLE and supportive husband, a WONDERFUL and beautiful daughter (who will be 5 in just over a week!!! OMG) and two SUPERB and AH-MAAAZING friends!   It just happened that Maple Leaf Meadows was hosting one of their fantastic schooling dressage shows on the same Saturday that Jose and I were at Northland's Farm and Ranch Show.  I couldn't resist the opportunity to get the Ritchie boy down centreline and Renate offered to take him for me!  YES!!!!  The boy is just coming 4 in June and we're aiming to show training and first level this summer and see if we can get his lifetime stallion scores. 
Renate had only been on Ritchie about 6 times before taking him down centreline for this show.  We put them in Training Level test D (CADORA) x 3.  First test, first thing in the morning and, he was tense, poor fella.  Certainly can't blame him.  He then had a rest while Renate and Sarah went to the Pony Club Tack Sale - another event I wish I could have attended, but forfeited.  Upon their return, Renate took Ritchie down centreline for 2 back-to-back tests and he relaxed considerably.  The judge's comments were on par and scores were fair - Thank you Sarah for taking pictures and videos of all the tests for me!  All  in all, I couldn't be more happy with the show, the horse and the whole experience!  Only thing that would have made me more happy would be to ride my horse at the show or, at the very least, be there to see it myself.  Regardless, I'm grateful to capable and skilled friends for helping me and my horse out! 

That's the biggest news.  Jose's been accepted to ride in the Balanced Rider clinic at Mane Event at the end of the month, I'm looking forward to that opportunity.  We have 3 mares currently in foal to Ritchie.  Both my Arab mares are in foal and Jose's half sister, Promise is carrying her maiden foal.  We are so excited to meet them all in the next few months!  In the mean time, HAPPY RIDING!  :)