Sunday, April 12, 2015


Ali got to go for her first ride of the spring.  She was in need of something fun and decided a ride on the Buckster was just the thing to put her in a good mood.  He was more than happy to oblige and really enjoyed walking and jogging her around the arena.  They really enjoyed the first ride of the season.  Now I want to go ride!!! 

Hope this nice weather keeps going!  I've got 2 days off and 3 ponies to work. 

In other news, Sawatzky Equine Services is now up and running and they've had their maiden rides in their brand new arena.  I'm so excited for my good friends in their beautiful new arena and barn and I was ticked to see Roland's choice for his first ride was Ritchie boy!  They've been doing so well together.  Again, I'm so grateful for Roland and Cindy's excellent care!

And one month from today, our first mare is due to foal.  I'm so excited about the beautiful baby bellies baking out in the foaling pen. Another reason for the weather to continue to be nice <3

As always, happy horseing!