Tuesday, November 18, 2014

What's Cookin'?

I guess we haven't really talked about what's in the oven for 2015 foals yet, have we?  Well, I'm expecting 3 foals from my very special mares next year from Ritchie. 

The first bred is my incredible Standardbred mare, Promise.  I had bred her in 2013 and did not have a foal from her this year so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she'll have something for me in the spring. I love this mare because I love Standardbreds but her specifically even more for a few reasons.  Firstly, she's such quality.  She's beautiful, much like a tall Morgan, over 16.1 hh, patient, so well put together with a huge trot (obviously) she's sosensible and she's from the same stud as my boy Jose Jalapeno.  Having a foal from her is like bringing together both Ritchie and Jose and my lost heart horse Sam all in one. I'm not going to let this foal go easily.

Second, I bred our big buckskin QH mare.  Yes, unconventional, but she's produced consistent quality to Arab studs and I think what we're going to have out of this one is a substantial powerhouse of a sweet, kind and level-headed eye catcher.  Something that would look a lot like an Irish Draught.  Nix has produced me two fantastic half-Arab offspring, both buckskins out of Bay (or grey born bay) stallions.  Tex has proven to be a bit of a late bloomer, but at 4 years old, she's certainly coming into her own now.  Unfortunately we'll never know what incredible things Monty would have gone onto. 
Pyrotecnix SE at 4 years
Monty at 2 months

Lastly, I'm expecting our first warmblood x warmblood!  Yes, I did something traditional too!  My Gervantus x Tango Selune mare Lilyana should be producing us her first foal.  Lana is a substantial mare, loves attention, with big jumper lines.  Obviously that foal is going to need to find a home with someone who likes air time!  It's a different sort of Grand Prix!

If you're interested in reserving one of these foals in utero, please feel free to contact me to set up ultrasound and details.  All foals will be registered with the RPSI.  shimmere@live.ca

Happy Horseing!



Still here!  Yes, yes we are!  How about you?

What's new?  Well, miss Tex is currently at the barn, has been for 4 days getting ready to meet some new people interested in looking at her.  I'm not a fan of Tex on a good day, not because she's a bad horse.  In all fairness, she's a pretty good girl considering her lack of experience and education as a foal/filly.  She and I just don't click. 

Anyways, so she's been at the barn for 4 whole days and I've been riding her getting ready to show her to potential buyers.  And you know what?  I'm actually enjoying her!  Every day she's getting a little better.  Her attitude has been fantastic and she's getting stronger and rounder and more forward. 

This is her 4th ride back with my lovely friend Andie aboard.  She'd never met her let alone ridden her but did me the favour of taking her for a quick round so I could video her: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMDU7f83hrA
Here's a clip of her from a month earlier with my good friend Craig Hodgman aboard.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mp1QjA_q6bw  see?  Cute over fences!  Like her as a hunter.

LePremieur SE owned by Renate Price

Today, the colts also got gelded!  L'Image SE and LePremieur SE are both now geldings.  The procedure went easy as pie and now the rest of their lives will be too!  I know weaning and gelding is a rough time for the little guys and we always feel sorry for them.  But today, coming out of their sedation, I had to take a video of the boys.  Oh my lord, laughed and laughed! 

I know you'd be disappointed if I didn't share that so it's here:

Now, our beautiful Jasper colt (L'Image SE) has been through the RPSI auction and unfortunately hadn't received bids BUT I'm a big fan of what the RPSI does for programs and they have continued with the un-sold colts in a sealed-bid sale this week!  How cool is that?!  Here's a promo I put together for Jasper.
If you're interested in talking with the RPSI about him, please feel free to contact them.  They have his vet paperwork, his inspection scores and comments and bloodlines all available to you there. 

Now, if you've made it through all of that, then you should have your fill of us now.  Hope you have a great day and lots of Happy Horseing!