What a weekend! I had the immense pleasure of meeting 29 new equine first-aid certified horse lovers in Wainwright, Ab and Macklin, Sk. It was a weekend of fairly terrible weather with freezing rain around Edmonton and east on my way out and heavy ice fog from Macklin to Tofield on my way home! But I'll be honest, the company, enthusiasm, energy and experience was totally worth it!
One of the lovely ladies I met in Wainwright had this to tell me today: "Yep one of the horses my boss owns went through a fence and tore up his thigh enough to need stitches. That bandage technique held up right to the Sedgwick vet! Your course was worth every penny!" She's already gotten her money's worth. This is why I teach first aid. It's real, it saves lives!
One of the horses that was in to be one of our demo horses in Macklin came out of her stall looking quite uncomfortable. She had apparently just had her feet trimmed. Now I'm not farrier but she looked to be a little short on the wall and walking on her sole to me, but again, I'm not farrier and I've often been wrong. Right away I started checking vitals and condition. She had feat from all 4 feet, more in her fronts, little bowel sounds, normal temperature and a heart rate of 52 (obviously responding to pain.) I shared the info with her concerned owners and they opted to give her some bute and put her in the soft footing of the arena and keep an eye on her. An hour or two later, she looked far more comfortable and relaxed. She was still tender on the walk back to the stall but not as concerning like she was.
Merry Christmas to the horses belonging to those 29 people! I don't know if there's a better present for them.
Speaking of presents, my best friends have been a little spoiled this year. The one got enlarged and artistically treated photos of her two horses in custom frames. I have to say, it's a present I would like to get too! The second has half her present still to arrive from Europe, but half is with her. I'd ordered her a beautiful black and white show halter from a company I've dealt with several times before. I'd gone to my favourite tack store and bought a halter plate for it. After a couple of months, the halter still hadn't arrived and had somehow gotten turned around at customs. But while looking again at the halter, I realized that it had SILVER fittings, not BRASS like the halter plate I'd ordered!! Oh no! So back to the tack store and order another SILVER plate and then pick up a nylon stable halter (with brass fittings) to put the previous halter plate on. Le sigh. The show halter still hasn't arrived, but the company assures me it will make its return shortly, but she's received her "interim" halter. Hopefully everything will be together for her birthday.
What do I want for X-mas? You know, I really NEEEEED nothing. I'd like a bit for Ritchie with brass rings, but the store I order from is currently out of his size. We could do some monogrammed stable blankets or something? I don't know. Next year, I'm going to choose a charity and ask that people donate rather than giving gifts to me. I like the idea for the whole family (well, aside from the kids really...)
Anyways, happy holidays to all of you! and, as always, happy horseing!
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