Saturday, December 22, 2012

Best Wishes to You All!

Well, we had the most anticlimactic appocolypse ever, and I haven't heard of a single zombee sighting either, so it looks like Christmas and new years will happen just as planned. 

This Christmas we will be having some down time, quiet family time and just enjoy the season.  My favorite part is always the gift GIVING.  We will be having Christmas supper with my sister and her husband.

It's been an incredible year but I'm not sad to see it end.  I know there are a lot of incredible things lining up for next year! 

Thanks for reading along (RP!) and I hope you have a fantastic holiday season too.  All my best to you in the new year!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

How Priorities Change

Now, you need to remember that I did not have a horse growing up.  I rode everyone else's horse.  I would do anything to be around horses when I was a kid and I didn't get my first horse until I was 17.  I got a yearling PMU filly named Gee Page.  PJ was great, I loved her and learned so much from her.  Unfortunately I also loved dressage and she was not going to be a suitable dressage mount. 

And so my journey to find the best dressage horse started.  My Sam, best boy EVER, competed with me to 3rd level and we would have gone higher if not for his incredibly unfortunate injury that cut our journey together far too short.  He was by an imported German stallion out of a Standardbred mare.  Here was my first incling to the importance of HEART in a horse.  He had more than his fair share, for sure.  But, even while I had Sam, I knew that I was going to need something even more to be successful in dressage.  So I bred Ritchie.

Now something accidental happened in the last few years.  When I lost Sam, I knew that I would need to find a horse that I could feel safe on, love, and just enjoy riding and some low-level training with.  I purchased a horse who seemed to fit the bill exactly, a draft cross mare.  However, she had other ideas in mind and decided that she was not going to be a safe horse to ride at all and even fractured my husband's wrist, jaw and bruised some ribs when he went to ride her one day.  No warning from her, just piled him HARD.  That was just not fun.  Need to find something fun. 

Ah Northstar!  I'm forever grateful for the time I got to spend with him.  With Northstar I got to learn so much again, I learned trick training, and I got a lot of confidence back . I also found that Ritchie needed a buddy so I picked up Jose.  As luck would have it, Jose decided he was more of a lover than a fighter and did not do very well with Ritchie, who is very much a rough play kind of guy.  So, can't have him sitting around doing nothing, so Jose would get started under saddle. 

Northstar sold, had nothing to ride for a few months, got Jose sent to a lovely trainer and started under saddle.  Now, here's where the wierd thing happens.  All this time I'd been so super excited about Ritchie and what this wonder stallion will do and dressage and Grand Prix and WOW, but I've found that having a super sensible and workable young horse (Jose) is FUN!!!  It doesn't matter if Jose shows dressage well.  He will have limits for sure.  I'm ok with that because he's got incredible heart and try.  I have FUN every time I work with him, every single time.  I really hope Ritchie is as much fun when he gets going or I'm going to have a hard time convincing myself to get working with him.  Of course I still want to train GP dressage, I want to be able to say that a horse I bred and trained did this with me, but I really want to ENJOY it every step of the way.  And I want my horse to be fun to work with.  So there you have it.  My dream of coming down centre line doing single tempis is not important if I can't pop on my horse bareback and go hack in the hay field.  My dear Ritchie, you have big shoes to fill. 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Target

I have to say, I'm totally in love with my little feller. 
Yep, just a track-barn reject who wouldn't pace.  But he's a superstar!  That's right, my José.  Tonight I had one of those sessions that left me feeling on top of the world.  We worked on all the tricks I'd taught him so far (wave with both front feet, smile, hug, kiss on the cheek) and then got to working on the pilon target training.  The idea with the pilon is for him to touch it with his nose, no matter where I put it.  I hold it in my hand out to one side or the other and he'd target it just fine.  But when I'd put it down on the ground, he got confused.  Well he connected it tonight and we worked liberty to run together and I'd drop the pilon, give the command, and keep running.  He stopped right away and went to the target.  Good boy!!!!  He got it so solid that I put the pilon on the end of my dressage whip and put it up in the air.  He thought about it and then reached waaay up to touch it.  Up next, target training for him to stand front feet on a target.  The target right now is a white baby pad.  I think a flutter board would work really well too though. 

I've been thinking lately about putting together a trick training clinic.  I'm no Jackie Johnson, but I have some ideas on helping people get success out of the trick training by tayloring their program to their horse's personality.  Some horses are just more inclined to engage and do silly things like wave and lay down and such. 

Tonight I also got to work my horse with other people at the barn!!  This was the first time since I got to the barn.  Really nice people, from diverse backgrounds.  Everyone respects everyone else and just has a good time with the animals they love.  That's what it's all about afterall!  Can't wait to go tomorrow.  Maybe I can talk someone into taking pictures or video!!

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Incredible Lessons Learned

I got the opportunity to go home. 

Now, if you're from somewhere that you loved, that left a special place in your heart, you'll totally identify with this.  My home was Prince Albert, Saskatchewan.  I grew up with the local riding club as my playground.  The people there taught me valuable life lessons and gave so much of their time and knowlege to me freely.  I have never forgotten and have always wanted to give back in some way. 

Well, I got a chance to go and do an equine first-aid certification clinic there last weekend.  Super exciting!  I decided to leave a donation to the local 4H club.  I didn't ever get to be in 4H, but I really support the program for kids and families regardless. 

I invite the local newspaper to come out and cover my clinic and the donation I made.  Here's what they printed:

I'm very pleased with the way the article turned out.  He spent about 2.5 hours with us out there, must have taken a few hundred pictures.  The group was fantastic and it was very heart warming, the whole experience.  I would love to go back again!

Happy Thanksgiving to all the Americans who celebrate today.  I know I'm thankful for every opportunity and kind person who has come into my life.  I'm also thankful for the unkind and unpleasant because I have been able to learn lessons and take away life experience from then also. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

My Pony's the BEST Pony in the World!!!

My Standardbred is incredible.  Have I said that?  In-freaking-credible!  So he's done his 60 days of training, which was lovely although he came home hella skinny (he's picking up quickly now though) and I've moved him to a new barn with a resident peacock, Mr. Peacock.  I was not sure what my poor pony would think of this bird, but I was obviously more concerned than the pony was. 
Score 1!

So we started doing tricks.  Since he's so young, I don't want to do too much on his back, but still want him really well rounded and we can do lots on the ground.  The smile is awesome!  He learned a very enthusiastic wave in 2 sessions and now we're progressing to giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.  Sweet fella!
Score 2!

I think my husband's rifle target practise at home saved my life today.  Here's why:
At the new barn is a very old plastic step stool, the kind you would have found in a library back in the day.  I used in the last time I went riding and pulled it out again today.  I stepped up on it, put my foot in the stirrup, hand on his mane juuust stepping up on him when CRAAACK!!!!!  The whole thing SHATTERED under me!  I thought, oh crap, I'm dead.  But José Did. Not. Move.  Not even a blink.  I think he just held his breath and waited for me to tell him it was ok.  Boy did I ever!!  I praised that little feller from top to bottom!  Smartest boy EVER!!
Score 3 - 5, I think that deserves bonus points!

I had an epiphany this evening while actually riding my pony.  I've been working on trying to have him soften and supple to the right, he's very stiff this way.  I have the chiro booked for early December but, in the mean time, I want to continue to lightly work with him.  So we talked a little about yeilding the hind quarter to leg pressure, easy peasy he says.  And so from there, in the walk, I started to ride him straight.  Not to soften and swing his head (and really throw him off balance...) but straight with corners being more like almost a couple of steps around of pirouette instead of asking him to collapse the shoulder... duh!  Wow, what a genious.  And what happened when I rode him with light, even contact and balanced his hind quarter straight behind him?  He softened his jaw, thought more about taking bit contact and lowered and lengthened his topline.  Holy cow.  Man I'm an idiot... why did I not just do this before?  Ride the horse so he can balance us both?  No way!  That's logic!
Well, better at ride 4 than ride 439...
Score 0.5 for me.  :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Ah, lovely, tropical Alberta <3  How sweet your breeze sings, how beautiful the snow...

Ok, back to reality!  It's a BILZZARD out there!  Highways are closed!!  I'm 50 km away at work, my daughter's at daycare and I don't think it's safe to go home.  What to do...

Check into a local hotel for the night and have a mommy-daughter mini-vacation!  That's right, if you take a look around, you can usually find a good side of a bad situation.  Just have to get creative and improvise a little. 

A lady I used to work with me grumbled at me one day and asked me "You're on of those
the class is half full' kind of people, aren't you?"
I answered her very honestly, "Nope, my cup runneth over!"

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Happy Weekend!

We wished out little boy of this year a very fond fairwell.  Monty (Sumthing Khompletly Difrent SE) is off to his new home with his new family. 

I'll miss that little feller but I think his new family is more excited about his future.  On last report, he made it home just fine, settled in with hew new buddy, a Paint gelding, in knee-high straw.  Life is so rough sometimes....

On other news, I got to ride my pony for the first time yesterday!!!  José Jalapeno is coming along so well in training. He's nearing the end of just 60 days with his trainer and I'm so pleased with how sensible and honest this little (16 hh little) guy is.  The vet was out to float his teeth and found him to be not yet 3 years old!!!  Oy!  So lots of playing and tricks and we'll take it easy with the riding for the winter.  Nice and slow and confident. 
Black does look good one me doesn't it?  Yeay José!!

Monday, September 24, 2012

My Review on Cavalia

Under the big top...
Well the show certainly had a circus feel.  All week my friend had asked me if I was excited to go.  I wanted to be, but couldn't really muster "excitement" for something that would likely not hold any mistery to me.  I'm an FEI-trained dressage rider.  I've trained horses to perform tricks.  I've performed at liberty with a young stallion... show me something new! 

Well, the tricks didn't impress me, and the riding certainly wasn't anything to get excited about.  I won't clap for 8 Andaluseans doing leg yeilds at a walk in a row with only 1 on the bridle.  I won't get excited for a bay Spanish stud's "dressage" movements when he can't keep a row of tempis, his pirouettes are very flat, and his "extended" trot is rushed.  His passage wasn't bad though.  The riding reminded me of the "World-Famous Lipizzander Stallion" show I'd seen a few years ago, only slightly less offensive.


There was something so different, so special about this show. 

It gave me something.  Something I'd lost a number of years ago, and I didn't even know I'd lost it. 

It gave me back a dream.
A passion.
It gave me back the spark of magic that is possible with only a horse.  The gift of relationship between horse and handler that isn't for an audience, it's for that connected pair only.  It gave me a glimpse of what will be possible with my own young stallion.  It reminded me of the limitless nature of communication. 

I went and bought myself the zip-front sweater and a key chain from Cavalia.  I spent the money because I will keep them to remind me, when it's really hard and I want to throw in the towel and quit, that there's something beautiful that does happen.  Just keep working.

I have no desire to run away and join the circus, although I may have worked very hard to get in had I known about this when I was much younger.  I do love performance and it can exsist in all of its brilliance and glory outside of the 20 x 60 ring.  When I dance with my horse, on the ground or on his back, it is for me and my horse, not for anyone watching. 

I would go to this show over and over again.  I would love to spend some time with the crew behind the scenes and learn some of their training techniques as the horses were completely oblivious to the crowd just meters away from them.  I love the showmanship that the theatrics encorporated.  The acrobats, the clowns...

True Spectical. 
Thank you for the gift.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Inspection Time, mmm that lovely smell of burning hair!

Yesterday was the annual RPSI inspection, this year hosted by Tami Crane at the beautiful Emerald Equestrian in Calmar.  It was a first for this area of Alberta, but we were quite happy with the turnout.  Two lovely pony stallions came in for German Sport Pony approvals as well as 3 foals, another pony mare and some adult mares.  I took my two mares who I've bred to Ritchie, Stella and Bay Mare.  Unfortunately my mares didn't show as well as I would have liked, they were stressed and herd bound... It's understandable, and they still got their approvals.  My poor Bay Mare, 19 years old and first time ever doing anything like that.  It was even the first time she'd ever had a bridle on her face!  She did look lovely though, all braided up.  Even when she did an impromptu exit stage left, she was still pretty. 

Ritchie got his brand this year finally!!  I guess the irons are now all safe to cross the boarder...???  I'm very glad to report that it was a much calmer ordeal than I'd imagined.  I stayed up front with him, covered his eye a bit and Otto took the iron back to his flank.  He petted him and we talked calmly with him.  He put the iron on and Ritchie jumped away a second later.  We walked off and there were no issues.  No screaming, no losing his mind, just walked quietly and attentively back to the barn with me.  It turned out just lovely too. 

That's the end of my "show season".  Jose's currently out with a trainer for 30 days so I'm looking forward to getting him home to work, Ritchie's booked for April with a trainer, mares are bred, lessons are nearly wrapped up, judging my last show of the year at Maple Leaf Meadows this Sunday and then just continuing to teach the equine first-aid courses throughout the winter. 

Sigh, good year!! :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

I Must Have Sold Some Horses...

Cause I just picked up a new one!

I'd like to introduce the lovely Lilyana!  "Lana" is a 2-year-old Canadian Warmblood filly by Gervantus out of a Tango Selune x T-bred mare.  She's bay, she's very sweet, has incredible shoulder articulation and I think will make one heck of an amazing foal with Ritchie, in the future. 
Right now she gets to grow up. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

What a Weekend!

Just home from an instructor's weekend at the Higher Trails Ranch in Okotokes with Equi-Health Canada.  Met some INCREDIBLE people and had some AMAZING experiences. 

But let me back up a bit. 

Thursday I decided I'd make a travel day so I headed down south and arranged to see a very very dear friend for dinner.  Discussing with her where we were to meet on Wednesday evening, she told me that she didn't get to have a birthday party for her last (50th!) birthday.  So, as soon as I got off the phone with her, I called the restaraunt, talked with the manager and arranged that they'd decorate a booth for her and we'd have a "mini party".

I left home early, stopped at a doller store on my way down for party supplies and made good time to Calgary.  I found the Cactus Club Cafe without issue and the staff there were AH-MAZING!  They took my birthday goodies and did up a fantastic booth!  My dear friend was so surprised.  Just loved it!  Highly recommend them!!

Think she had a good time? 

Early Friday morning I headed out to Okotokes from Calgary found the "Home Ranch" and took a little nap before things got going.  I had the pleasure of meeting some incredible ladies and got to learn sooo much!  With the variety of different backgrounds and experiences, everyone had a lot to share.  Unfortunately a couple of the horses wanted to see how we worked as a team.  One decided to get cast in some trees, another got some scrapes and cuts after his sulky cart lost a wheel!  Thankfully our team worked very well together!! 

Sunday we assisted in instructing a first-aid certification course and I had to get the traditional rectal-temperature picture...

Oh!  And I had a follow-up on Stella too and she's still holding her foal to Ritchie. 
Yeah, the black blob is the baby...

Incredible experiences all in all, but I'm really happy to be home, in my own bed, with my little girl (and husband too...)
Glad it's going to be a 4-day work week!! :)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

On a Roll

Ah late summer... the birds are singing in the trees....
No, the damn magpies and blue jays are fledging their chicks and they won't shut up at 6:30 in the morning!!! Gak.

Sigh, ok, I'm all better.

It appears the horse market is making a come back in Alberta!  Within the last month, I've sold 3 of my 5 sales horses!  Today I will say goodbye to my good friend Khori, BG Khorina.  Khori is a BEAUTIFUL grey purebred Arab mare, 6 years old.  As a child, I always said I wanted a purebred dapple grey Arab mare.  Well she's sat with me for the last 5 years doing little to nothing.  I had her started under saddle with the incredible Katelyn Carter as a 3 year old. You can check for the video on youtube, search BG Khorina.  ...WOW!!!

I bought this princess horse to be my SPORT HORSE/DRESSAG champion!  Her father is phenomenal, talented on all levels and the sweetest disposition!  Her mother is 16 shades of BEAUTIFUL and so light and responsive.  Unfortunately Khori only grew to 14.2 hh and developed movement much more suited to western or hunter pleasure. 

So, my loss is Cathy's gain! 

When I met this lady, I thought "PERFECT!!"  Cathy used to breed Arabs but stepped away from the equine world for a few years.  She called me explaining that she wanted some horsie therapy again, wanted a dependable friend who she could enjoy to the ends of the earth.  Yep, that's Khori.  They seemed so comfortable with eachother when Cathy came to meet her.  It was the right match. 

So now I'll go get dressed as the rest of the famly sleeps, load the good girl into the trailer and deliver her to Beaumont area and have the pleasure of bringing extreme joy to a lady's life.  That is the true gift right there! 

Best wishes!!!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Great News, Congratulations!

Got some wonderful news this afternoon.  My good friend, BG Northstar, has been sold!  Congratulations to Bob and Gail Williams on the sale and congratulations to Betty from Three Hills, AB on her purchase of  the super-talented gelding! 

I had taken "Norton" out last Friday evening for Betty to meet and try out.  They'd seemed to be a really good match.  Betty looked good with him and he was a good, calm (and totally hadsome) partner for her.  She kept him on a trial for a week and I just got word that he passed the vet check with flying colours and will be heading home with her right away!! 

I'm looking forward to seeing the pair in the show ring next year kicking some butt in sport horse and dressage <3  All my best to you both!!

Also!!!  Sumthing Khompletly Difrent SE (Monty) is also sold!  I had a very good friend come out and take some lovely shots with her fancy schmancy camera, put the images up online and by the next morning I had two people ready to pay for him sight unseen!!  Wow! 

Monty will be going home with a good horse family to be loved and adored.  He's been growing like a weed and will be one month on Saturday.  Congratulations to Larry and family from Ardrossan! 

Ritchie has been stood to Bay mare and Stella.  Both foals are reserved!  Got to do a preg-check on Stella in another week.

Now, to get Khori and Tex working and marketed... There is still time this summer!!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Look Who's Here!!!

And now for "Sumthing Khompletly Difrent SE"!!  Monty made his appearance just after midnight June 26.  We got everything we wanted in this breeding.  He's a buckskin SABINO colt (you gotta check out the "lightening strikes" on his front legs!) by the incredible Khartoon Majik CRA (out of our mare Nix).  Monty will be registered as a half Arab with the CAHR.  This boy is TALL and has leeeeegs!  He is going to absolutely ROCK the sport horse divisions. 

This is my favorite picture of Monty's sire "Khenny".  He's owned and trained by the incredibly talented Katelyn Carter ( He made his mark on the Arabian show world with regional and national titles as a 3 year old under saddle! 

See?  Looks purdiful in ribbons and rosettes too!

I'm almost tempted to keep this boy for myself... But this is the same thing I go through every time, there just isn't time for all of them.  Monty is for sale, $1500 CAD; however, if he's not sold by next year, I don't think I'll feel too bad taking him to some arab shows anyways. 
Yeah, someone better come grab him while he's still available...

Monday, June 25, 2012

Now I'm Tired!

Whoo hoo what a whirlwind 2 weeks it's been!  From nothing to everything just like that.

Well I went and picked up Ritchie.  He's just lovely after the work Selena's put on him.  Just like I'd hoped, he is more confident, respectful and makes good choices.  It was a whole-day's travel to get down to pick him up, delivering horses on my way.  Buck's out at Maple Leaf Meadows now trying out their lesson program, and apparently doing well with it! 
I picked up a beautiful little Standardbred mare "Angel" and took her south of Calgary.  Now "Sienna" has settled into her new home and everyone is in love with her.  I got to meet some fantastic people out there too! 
I ended up in Carmangay about 6 in the evening, I'd left home before 7 am.  It's such a lovely little town, about 2 hours south of Calgary.  I travelled through Vulcan on my way so, because the horse trailer was empty, and I was sure the tourist station wouldn't be open on Sunday, I stopped in, picked up some Roctijino and Tea - Earl Grey - Hot - Make it so for my husband, a Vulcan, AB pin for my Dad and a pair of Spock ears for my daughter.  It's geek mecca there. 

I had a lovely visit with Selena!  I enjoy her so much, just wish we weren't a whole province apart (and not the short side either!)  She lives in a beautiful coolee where the Little Bow River winds around.  We got to sit beside it and watched a muskrat and a beaver come to visit!  We pigged out on pizza and beers and watched Twilight before bed.  Wish we could do it again!!!  Ritchie hauled home like a trooper, through rain and traffic.  He was happy to get home, streach his legs and romp around his paddock.  I put Norton in with him to help him settle for the night and both enjoyed the company. 

That was the first weekend.

Last weekend saw us up north in Valley View, AB.  (Check out the distance between the two on a map, that's a LOT of driving!!!)  Valley View was hosting their first dressage show, an EC Bronze-rated show.  Since I have some good friends up there, I thought it would be a good one for Norton and I to head to.  So we loaded up the rig and off we went!  This was only a 3.5 hour drive.  The Ag grounds are not your typical dressage-show setup, but did the trick.  My concern was the stabling.  They had set up panneled pens on grass, but all the pens were connected to eachother so there were no biosecurity measures :(  Norton is currently on quarantine just for caution's sake. 

The judge was Marianne Middleveen of Calgary.  She was just a joy to ride for.  What a kind and sweet woman, not the kind of judge that makes you cry as you leave the ring.  Her scoring was generous, but her comments were pertinent and positive.  Very encouraging and likely a very good introduction for the many people who had never ridden in a dressage show. 

Saturday we rode First level test 1 and Training level test 2.  After a less than exciting warm up on Friday evening, our First-level test was wonderful.  I was so pleased with it, even with the couple of baby bobbles we had.  He ended up with a 65% and a 4th place ribbon.  Our afternoon test we ended up riding an hour early, with 20 minutes to tack up and change.  I was less pleased with that ride, but I'll take it as it's all part of the experience of a young horse.  In the Training test 2 test, we scored another 65% and another 4th place ribbon. 

The show comittee bought pizza for all the exhibitors Saturday evening and Norton and I were asked to do a trick-horse demo.  Course we were glad to!  After running through the tricks and explaining the purpose of doing them, I invited everyone to come and see Norton.  Marianne (the judge) came to see him and shared with me how his personaity was very similar to that of her newly-retired FEI horse!  She felt he has the personality to really be successful in dressage <3  Huge kudos there! 

Sunday morning we rode First level test 2, a test I'd had a bugger of a time trying to memorize Saturday night, but learned it in 5 minutes Sunday morning.  I felt so good about this test and the score sheet reflected it - 71%!  I saw an 8 on that score sheet!  I'd never seen an 8 on my own score sheet before!!  The last test we rode was Training test 1.  After the morning's test, it was a walk in the park, almost litereally!!  The highest score I'd ever received in my own history of dressage was that test, 71.2%!  That landed us another 4th place for First level and a 3rd place for Training!  The placings were so close in most of the tests, 2nd, 3rd and 4th were within 1 full percentage!  Norton was the youngest horse to ride first level, and boy was I proud of him! 

All in all a busy but wonderful couple of weekends.  Had a lot of fun but glad to be having a quiet one to look forward to.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Current events... ooo big ol' nuthin!

My goodness, who's a bogging slacker?!  That would be me! 
Haven't had anything exciting to blog about for a bit though.  Life has been rolling along nicely.  I'd had the pleasure of again judging the Funducational dressage schooling show at Maple Leaf Meadows, along with the lovely Cathy MacIntyre (She's such a hoot!)  There are some LOVELY up and coming youngsters out there.  What a treat to have them in my ring.  It especially makes me happy when their owners tell me they want to compete in DRESSAGE with them (as opposed to JUMPING gak!) 
After talking with a couple of staff at MLM, I've offered to take old Mr. Bucky over for a while to try out as a lesson horse.  Might give him something more to do than sit around at home being board... He can teach kids how to ride tempis!

Still don't have a foal on the ground :(  Nix is holding onto hers, although she isn't quite due yet.  Next week.  She's very soft around the tail, she's bagging up now, but will NOT keep a tail wrap on! 
I had put her and Flo into the foaling pens, get them settled and comfee before foaling time.  Flo went right to the fence where Northstar was and lifted her tail and peed.  She did that for 3 days!!! >:(  No baby for her.  So we're waiting on one.  Will it be the sabino buckskin?  Could happen!  I'm guessing it will be a bay sabino colt.  As long as it's happy and healthy, it doesn't matter what it is though. 

I get to go pick up Ritchie from the trainer's this weekend.  I'm excited to see my baby boy again.  When he comes home, we'll talk about breeding two of our mares at home (one an arab and the other warmblood) and we're looking forward to having some special guests come to look at him too!  I really like to get feedback regarding my horses from good friends and people I really respect in the horse industry. And I like to visit. 
Hopefully the next post will be more interesting!  That's all I've got for now.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A First in a Long Time

I love dressage.  I love showing.  I love having a good horse I can go down centreline with and smile and have a good ride on. 

For the last nearly 2 years, I haven't had that. Last time was the Killerney Canada Day Show with my Sam riding 3rd level!

On May 5, I got to trot down centreline for the first time in nearly 2 years.  Although the day's tests consisted only of Training and First level tests on the Old Man and Norton's very first tests ever, it sure felt good to head down there again!

I was so impressed with Old Mr. Buck.  23 years old and he was convinced he was a youngster!  He was so alert and wanted to go go go!  It was the first time in about 7 years that he had shown.  He was no stranger to the dressage arena, having shown up to 4th level and training Intermediare with me in a prior lifetime.  He still pulled out scores in the 60's for his tests!  Sure his canter was stiff, but he gave me 5 x 2-tempis in the warmup the night before!!!  heheh what a good kid!

Norton was not overly confident in the ring for his first test.  He wasn't interested in really riding into corners or softening and swinging.  That's ok, we have to start somewhere.  His second test was better.  We did get into most of the corners and had some moments of relaxation.  The judge had some good comments for us as well.  She liked him, thinks he'll make a lovely dressage pony in the future too.  <3

Another first in a long time was being in front of the event photographer's camera lense!!  One of my favorite faces to see at a show, Linda Finstad of A Sharper Image Photography was in attendance with her camera.  She did up an edit on facebook just for me! 
Happy to be back!!! xoxo

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Mane Event, and a Crazy Good Weekend!

No, didn't get into a clinic, but still took a pony down and still had a rediculously good time!

Absolute highlight of the weekend?  Being able to have long, hot showers all by myself 3 days in a row!!  Being a Mom and a wife, sometimes it's the little things that make the biggest difference.

Anyways, had a retarded good time with my very good friends, Renate, Selena <3, Michelle, and a lot of other people I haven't seen in quite a while.  There were even more that I didn't get a chance to sit and talk with, although I would have loved to. 

Ritchie handled himself like a gentleman, so proud of my little man!  He became good friends with Selena's famous Fjords; Bergen Simon and Bergen Seepo! 
Awe Fjordie love with Seepo! <3

Selena Dickmann had wonderful crowd-pleasing performances with her boys!  Her Roman Riding was just AWESOME!!!  Along with Selena, the X-Dream Team also has Darcy, who is horse handler extraordinaire!  Had such a blast hanging out with these ladies. 

Friday and Saturday nights I went over to my sidesaddling buddy's place for the night (and a LOT of wine) and hot tubbing.  We had a sidesaddle play day as she asked me to bring Plonk (my 1915 Champion and Wilton saddle) with me. 
Sidesaddle kitchen party!

I also had the opportunity to spend some time with the Performance Standardbred booth.  My friend Charlene and her boy Leo (Westosterone) were part of the demos, and also participated in the Johnathan Field clinic series.  It was so awesome to see how far they've come together <3 

And the Jackie Johnson Trick Training Clinics were fantastic, as always.  I got some really good tips on the trick training I'm working on with Norton, and where to go next with them. 

Of course, I'm planning to go back next year.  If you're in Alberta, BC or Saskatchewan, I would recommend you make plans to do the same!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Trip to the Dentist

So we didn't get into any clinics at the Mane Event.  That certainly doesn't mean my trailer and I are not going to be down for the weekend!  Nooooo.  Miss that?  Heck not a chance.  I'm going to be taking Ritchie down for the whole event (to stand in the stall and go for walks and just take in the general atmosphere.)  When it's all done, he's heading down south with one of my favorite peoples, Selena Dickmann from Little Bow Fjords.  Selena will be at the event with her pair of trick Fjords and is taking Ritchie for a few months of training, sacking, tacking and backing.  Today, poor little fella was pulled out of his paddock where he'd spent the majority of the winter with his buddies, and loaded into the trailer, which he had not seen since September at the RPSI inspection.  Off we went to the vet's.  It was pretty evident, once we got there, that little feller was not feeling very confident.  A little help by sedation assisted in his relaxation factor and into the clinic he went.  He had a good float, something it looks like he will need regularly, and his wolf teeth removed.  He just had the two uppers, but, to the dismay of my dearest vet (who ROCKS), they were quite large.  Eventually perserverance won through and he is now wolf-tooth-less.  A full set of vaccines, including west nile, and aresol strangles vaccine, and he's ready for a quick deworming this week and a new adventure with Selena! 

Can't wait to start this new adventure!!! xoxo

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Ah the horse market

It's something I really haven't done in a few years, put a horse on the market.  Now I'm not talking just the regular broke WTC, good horse, kind of the normal $2500 - $4500 horse.  I'm talking about Norton (aka BG Northstar, aka SUPERSTAR).  His breeder and I have decided to put him on the market. 

Now, Norton's pretty special.  He's a triple registered gelding to start, with a National Championship title, lots of show experience, and he's got a pretty good personality.  BUT he's also a trick horse!

This is clips from his very first trick demo, at the Farm and Ranch Show for 30 school kids.  It was an impromptu demo, we'd just been playing around in the round pen, but he does love to show off. 

The only other people I know of who sell trick horses are the amazing Katelyn Carter ( and the fantabulous Selena Dickmann ( 
What is the market value of a horse who is fantastic under saddle, in the show ring, and does tricks?! 

Well, we've put him on the market at $12,500 and I guess we'll see what the market says. 

I think I'm going to miss that boy when he does sell, but I know someone's going to have so many adventures and so much fun with him!  And I'm going to continue on doing exactly the same thing with Jose!  <3

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Northland's Farm and Ranch Show

What a weekend!!!  Holy way to start show season. 
Northland's Farm and Ranch Show is held in conjunction with the College Rodeo Finals and it sure was an experience for my little Norton and myself! 

On Friday we decided to help ourselves to the round pen set up in our hall (Hall D) and gave some trick demos and went for a little ride.  We caught 30 school kids who were watching the 4-H Alpaca show and did a demo special for them.  It was pretty cool to have 30 kids wave at Norton and have him wave back. 

I was all sorts of proud of him for managing the crowds, the ALPACAS (without even blinking at them) and the really scarey entrance to Northland's main arena, under bleechers!!!  For a little man who's had limited exposure to that kind of show, he was just a superstar!  I couldn't be more pleased.  There is lots of video to come of him and his demos but, for now, here's what his breeder, Bob Williams, caught in our main arena demo of dressage.

Just wish he would've waved at the end... oh well. 

Post more as they get uploaded :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Big Honor

See?  I told you about enjoying the quiet days!

I got a call on the weekend asking me and Norton to join the Aurora Arabian Horse Association at this year's Farm and Ranch Show held at Northland's at the end of the month.  We've been asked to come and do dressage/sidesaddle demo but, sadly, since I am still between sidesaddles, we will have to just go for dressage (and TRICKS!!!)  We are scheduled to be on the grounds for both Friday and Saturday for demos and to be part of the "booth" so we're available for the everyone to come meet him.  I hope the stall's big enough for him to do a few of his tricks.  He's getting so good and playing dead!! 

I am really honored and quite excited for the opportunity to get out so early in the season and get him some more exposure.  I just hope he's as good a boy as I know he can be!  Now if only he'd get to sheding that darn winter fur!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Fluffy Bunnies.

No, not the actual rabbits - although they are cute.  I am not a rodent person but I'd have a rabbit, outside.

Anyways, not actual rabbits. 

At this time of year, the Fat and Furry shows start happening and what a blast!!!  They are my favorite kind of show.  You bring your fuzzy ponies out of the pasture, ride em a bit at home, brush em out, clean your tack, find something fun and cute to wear and off ya go to have a blast!  For the Easter Weekend, I'm going to take one of the boys (yet to be determined which) and out I go!  I think if the sidesaddle's here by then, I'll take the old man out.  If not, the young feller could use some show miles under saddle.  Either way, a great time to be had! 

And now that we're towards the end of March, I did go to the tack sale and I'm sooo proud of myself!  I didn't go table shopping at all!  The only thing I allowed myself to buy was a set of stirrup leathers, irons and pads, which I got for $5 total!  The new location allowed for a lot more vendors this year, which also ment a lot more competition for sellers as I'm pretty sure there was the same amount of buyers this year.  I did manage to move a lot of stuff; however, I'll tell you nothing but one fly sheet went for the price I'd put on it.  It was really hard to SELL things.  Even used blankets for $10 I couldn't move!  And they were fully intact useful blankets!  Best thing I saw there was an amazing old sidesaddle built in Scottsdale (area).  The skirt and safe on this thing was one solid piece of leather, not sewn together, with amazing floral tooling all over it!  The seat was a green suede.  It looked just incredible although I don't think it would've sat me well. 

Well, I guess it's a good idea to enjoy the last of the calm before the impending storm of weekend shows that's about to come!  Weeee!!!! 

Monday, March 5, 2012

In the Middle of shhhhhh

It's early March!  It's nearly spring! 

...and NOTHING exciting is happening yet!

A bunch of good things are ABOUT to happen, but I have NOTHING exciting to report thus far.  How disappointing!  And to top it all off, I have a cold :( 

Within the month my new (circa 1915 new) Champion and Wilton sidesaddle shall be arriving from the states (thanks to Linda Flemmer from the Side Saddlery see  But it's not coming YET. 

This Saturday is one of my favorite days of the year.  It's the biggest social event of the year for the equestrian community west of Edmonton.  It's known as the Pony Club Tack Sale.  I know there are a whole bunch of pony club tack sales, but this one has been happening for about 156 years and EVERYBODY comes to it.  I see people there I only ever see there! 
But that's not today... it's on Saturday.

So, in leu of anymore boaring-ness without point, here's a pretty picture I found of Lacado!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Peekture day!

I'm very fortunate to have a wonderful lady, at the barn where I ride, who is quite talented with her camera.  She recently got a new lense for it and asked for a volunteer to try it out on.  Well, I love pictures of my pony so I asked if we could be her guinea pigs.  I'm so glad I did!  I spent about an hour trying to get Norton to look less like a wild pony and more like a horse who's seen the show ring on occasion (cause really he has...) and out we went! 

Big thanks again to Sabine McDonald! 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Anatomy/History Class!

I love sidesaddle riding.  I love just about all things sidesaddle related.  I love it so much I think everyone should try it once, especially if they have a horse (men included!)  I kept an eye out on e-bay to see if I could pick one up for a deal, so I could have it for that exact purpose. 
Eventually one came along.  Meet Mergatroid. 
This picture is after a good soaking of leather conditioner and the pommels I covered in vet wrap as they were very worn and not in very good repair.  Mergatroid is an old Catelogue sidesaddle, one you would've ordered from Sears and Roebuck a million years ago and would've cost about $7.25.  The tree (this is the important part) is called a RUWART tree. 

After being ridden by a number of different friends, it became evident that poor old Mergatroid could use a facelift.  So, why just stop at that?  Why not go for broke?  I'm al all or nothing kind of girl afterall! 

So, I spent an entire day stripping the poor saddle.  I removed all the leather, cotton batting (not original), horse hair (original), and applicable hardware (approximately 200 apolstery and finishing nails, 2 drywall screws and 1 deck screw).  I found that there were only 4 original pieces of leather on the saddle: the near-side flap/safe (which had beautiful floral tooling in it), the little flap that covered the stirrup hanger on the near side and the pannels on the bottom of the saddle.  This is what I had after the dissection:

From here, some very kind ladies had begun giving me advice on what to do in order to get this tree back into workable condition.  Before sanding and fiberglassing, I needed to wash, yes WASH all the red IRON paint off it!  Covering the entire tree (minus the metal strapping) was a bunch of netting under the paint.  It was like a very early and primitive form of fiberglass covering the tree.Ooooh you have no idea the mess that landed in my kitchen, but I did as I was told.  About 8 buckets of nice, warm, sudsy water and I was full of paint, the floor and table in my kitchen were full of paint, my little helper (isn't she cute?) was full of paint, even my CATS were full of paint, but the tree is quite clean.   Thankfully, the paint is water soluable, so it was easy enough to clean up.

It is really interesting to see the pieced of metal and how many pieces of wood have gone into building this old girl.  One person's vision is truly a work of art!  So, now she gets a few days to dry out really well and I'm going to attack her with a putty knife to get all the old glue off before sanding.  You see, there was a "saddler" who had gotten his mitts on this old girl before I bought her and did some "repairs" (see drywall and deck screws) which included GLUING new leather to parts of the tree.  Gak! 

To be continued...

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Play Day!!!

We had the most rediculously fun play day today!  Dear friends of mine (see hosted a pony play day today.  Norton and I headed out to enjoy some change of scenery, great company, and great exposure!  I was so very pleased with the little feller.  I had wanted to get him up on a pedistle this year and had my heart set on getting a picture of him up on the pedistle waving.  Well....
What a good kid!  And yes, I told you, I love that toque! 

In addition to having a very successful introduction to a pedistle, Norton also got to work with Alana and myself with yoga balls (omg) and tarps (OMG!!)  and is now quite calm and accepting of both! 
Alana and Norton on the right, myself on her boy Willy, Kat on Sonny and Katelyn on Firefly (pintabian stallion).  What else do girls do on the weekend?

I would've liked to have put on a face for this pic, maybe a hat too, but I really do love this picture.  Norton's truly such a good boy!  I'm so very proud of how far he's come and how he continues to grow.  Next up, lesson next weekend with Wendy!!! Woo hoo!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Weekend out!

Just got back from a fantastic long weekend with two of my favorite equine ladies.  We attended the Horse Owner's and Breeder's Conference held in Red Deer, AB. 

Weather heading down was quite cooperative; we left early on Friday and were checked into the hotel by noon.  We had some time to relax and find our way to the Sheraton Hotel - Capri Centre.  I had won an eaerly-bird door prize kindly donated by the Alberta Veterinary Association.  I was presented with my prize at their opening activities Friday evening.  Lovely facility, nice, small trade show (would be nice if it were about 3 x the size) but the "Open" bar was quite expensive, in my opinion, costing $16.25 for three flutes of wine. 

Anyways, a jacuzzi big enough to fit 3 is always welcome, as are bottles of wine and good  company - so Friday was a hit all the way around.  Another of my favorite people (my sidesaddle enabler) came up to spend some time and visit, what a treat! 

Saturday morning found us out at the conference bright and early (10 am, we missed the first lectures as we weren't horribly interested in the early topics) and I attended Dr. "Andy" Anderson's lecture on trailering.  What a fantastic character!  Dr. Anderson is from Oklahoma and it sure is evident from his accent and vocabulary.  But what was equally amusing, were his stories!  I went back the following morning (8:30 this time) for his second speach on ground manners, something I feel is HUGELY important!  Picked up a couple of new things I'm looking forward to trying in the future too. 
My comrades took in various lectures as well, and came back with raving reviews!  The one I found most interesting was on breeding.  I think that a lot of the information would've gone right over the average horse person's head, but, since I have a biology background, I was able to follow along.  The gentleman who spoke was a self-proclaimed advocate for the stallion.  At one time I had to ask if he was a father... he was not... 
Also got to meet up with some friends and favored people I hadn't had the pleasure of seeing for a while.  Got to love big horse-related events for that! 

By Sunday, the weather had turned so we headed out early and missed the SPCA's talk.  It was cold cooold and I was sure glad for heated leather seats on the drive home.

The attendance did seem fairly low, unfortunately, but I would highly recommend anyone involved (to any degree) in the horse industry go next year!  I am planning on it!