Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Well good day!  And welcome to my Christmas blog. 

It was certainly a beautiful one today!  We started a brand new Christmas tradition, one I hope to continue in the future, as long as we have the weather for it.  We had a Christmas lunch time hot dog roast!  It was sure a treat to be able to sit out by a little fire and watch the horses and munch on some open-fire cookin!  Even Grif (our resident confused dog) enjoyed the food! 

Got the COOLEST gifts from my dearest friends!  They gave myself and Al matching horsey toques, no not toques with horse print on them, like horse TOQUES!!! 
Like this, but in bay and on me and Al, not some model who looks a little less than happy to be wearing such a cool hat.  I've been wearing mine all over for a week, Al's been so jelous, she wanted it.  When she got hers today, she came RUNNING to show me that she had one too!  Best gift! (and the ears on the hat flop when your head moves hehehe!)

My big win for giving gifts this year was for my mom.  I found her a lawn and garden Mule from Home Hardware.  The girls in Morinville are awesome!  They had it located and me in and out of the store and loaded in the car in a total of 5 minutes!  Mom LOVED the Mule, she forgot she'd asked for one.  I'm looking forward to borrowing it for the Mane Event in April!  Bet it's going to help a lot! 

All in all a lovely day for my family, hope it was the same for yours!  Another week and we start the new year and the new show season kicks off at Amberlea in February!  I think I might go out for a training test or two then.  We'll see what ol' Norton has to say about that.

Merry Christmas to you all!

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