Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Last, but Just Here...

I know, it's been forever!  What's happened with the fillies and the inspection?  What's Ritchie doing?  Where is everyone? 

Well, I'm happy to catch you up on all of our adventures, but it's not going to be here!  The biggest news is that we've re-launched the business under the new name STANDARDS EQUINE.  Find us on blogger at www.standardsequine.blogspot.ca

And Happy Horseing!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Look, Summer Already!

Time just flies!  I've just gotten home after back-to-back weekends doing trick-horse clinics in Grand Prairie and then in Ft. McMurray so I'm exhausted!!!  Jose was brilliant (as always!) and got a brand new Weatherbeeta fly sheet set for his efforts. 

I sure missed my fillies while I was gone.  Princess and her mom, Lana, are with Ritchie at Sawatzky Equine and will come home tomorrow.  Roland let me know that he did get Lana covered on July 1 - the one and only day she would accept Ritchie.  That tells me exactly why I never saw her get covered for Princess.  She seems to be one who has a very short window and doesn't show an obvious heat.  Fingers crossed that they hit the "magic hour" and we will have a foal equally as stunning as Princess next year. 

Lana and Princess during filming for her promo video.
Today Chai (Latin Promise SE) got her photo shoot with Susan Scott.  Her images never disappoint me!  Neither does this filly <3
Happy Horseing! 

Friday, May 29, 2015

All Present and Accounted For

It's not yet June and we're finished foaling already.  And it's 3/3 FILLIES!!!  What a neat year.  Last year, pair of colts.  This year, all fillies - strong, tall, lovely fillies! 

Our first filly, (HRH) "Princess" Leia Organa SE is incredible.  Nothing short of international quality matched with a fantastic, curious, confident and friendly personality.  She loves people, loves to be rubbed and scratched on.  Proud as punch of her, can't wait to breed Lana back this year.

Next, Nix foaled her filly one day before her due date.  She was as big as a bus but looked like she could have developed her filly a little better.  10 days later, LaSamba SE is straightening and strengthening really well.  She will be registered with the Canadian Warmbloods and most likely suit a hunter/jumper career.  And yes, that's a buckskin!!! 
And today, only 16 days overdue, Promise finally had her filly.  Of course she did!  I was away in Red Deer judging the regional 4H dressage classes.  These mares really did plot against me!  Anyways, today's filly is one very special little girl.  Her dam is by the same stallion as my favourite gelding (currently anyways...) Jose Jalapeno.  My last favourite gelding before JJ was a half-Standardbred x warmblood gelding named Sam.  I very sadly lost him to a serious lower-leg injury 5 years ago in July.  This filly ties together all of my favourite horses.  "Latin Promise SE" has a lot of growing and strengthening to do but, no doubt, in time, she will be strong and probably taller than I'd really like! 
In the next couple of weeks, the mares will be arriving for breeding with Ritchie and we will start the process all over again.  One of my mares is already with an outside stallion.  Can't wait for the fun again next year.  In the mean time, I'm going out to play with my ponies!!! <3

Happy Horseing!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Princess Makes her Apperance.

This weekend found me in beautiful British Columbia having a fantastic opportunity to work with several incredible horse people from very diverse and mixed backgrounds.  You know I've said it so many times before, but I'll keep saying it, I have the BEST job in the world.

Unfortunately, the timing was such that I had some serious (and well-founded) concerns about our maiden warmblood mare, Lana (Lilyana) foaling while I was away.  She just couldn't wait for me to come home and on Monday, May 4th, she gave birth to a beautiful, big, strong and LEGGY filly. 

I had a name picked out, but the fact that she was, in fact, foaled on May the 4th, it occurred to me that she may just want her Jedi name instead... The flights home took FOREVER, or so it felt, but I finally met our little girl this morning and my first words to her were "Well hello Princess!" and I think that sealed it.

We're so very proud and excited to announce the arrival of (HRH) "Princess" Leia Organa SE

Happy Horseing!

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Ali got to go for her first ride of the spring.  She was in need of something fun and decided a ride on the Buckster was just the thing to put her in a good mood.  He was more than happy to oblige and really enjoyed walking and jogging her around the arena.  They really enjoyed the first ride of the season.  Now I want to go ride!!! 

Hope this nice weather keeps going!  I've got 2 days off and 3 ponies to work. 

In other news, Sawatzky Equine Services is now up and running and they've had their maiden rides in their brand new arena.  I'm so excited for my good friends in their beautiful new arena and barn and I was ticked to see Roland's choice for his first ride was Ritchie boy!  They've been doing so well together.  Again, I'm so grateful for Roland and Cindy's excellent care!

And one month from today, our first mare is due to foal.  I'm so excited about the beautiful baby bellies baking out in the foaling pen. Another reason for the weather to continue to be nice <3

As always, happy horseing!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Meet Brenin! Wanna take him home?

I know an incredible lady, she's the reason I have Jose, her name is Karin.  She runs Sulky 2 Saddle, she is one of the biggest Standardbred advocates I know.  Recently Karin let me know about a pair of geldings who weren't making it on the track.  We always try to network these horses into new homes but sometimes they need some extra time in a safe home to adjust to life off the track.  Well, Karin's heart is endless, but unfortunately her pastures aren't.  So I offered to take the older gelding (older as in coming 5) as a foster pony until he finds a great new home.  Today, I brought Brenin home! 

He's a lovely, cooperative and friendly fella!  Just a bit under 16 hh, but could still make it, he's got lovely weight and muscling, good bone and is happy to hang out with people.  He was in the barn for 3 to 4 weeks so being outside in his pen seems to be right up his ally!  Right now he has racing shoes on so he's in solo quarantine but, as soon as we can get them off, he'll be in with Jose and Legs in the big paddock to run and be a pony! 

Karin's priority is to have him evaluated by a vet to ensure that he is sound.  He'd had a little bobble on the track, part of the ground wasn't where his foot thought it should be and he stumbled.  Didn't come up lame or with any swelling anywhere, but seemed to have shaken his confidence and his heart wasn't into pushing for speed after that.  Lucky for him, we're totally happy to have him, fast or not! 

Interested in joining the Standardbred owner's club?  I'd love to introduce you to this sweet boy and to the most wonderful Standardbred advocate I know, Karin.  <3

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

This February Business

I actually have very little news to report - if any.  But I know it's been a couple of weeks since a posted and I don't want Renate to start giving me heck for not posting ;-) 

Having a Standard Poodle is just about the most fun I think I could have with a dog.  I've had her to work a few times to have baths, brushings and little hair cuts.  She's very cooperative. 

Ritchie's still hanging out with Roland at the barn.  I haven't been out there near as much as I'd like to be, but this being a grown up and working really gets in the way of having fun!  The RPSI stallion auction is now underway and there has been a good amount of activity on its first day!  Check it out at http://rhpsi.hibid.com/catalog/54741/2015-rpsi-stallion-service-auction?tab=0

I went to introduce Amy to Jose a few days ago.  She was so afraid of the gigantic, black dog that she yelped when he sniffed her, and he was so gentle!!! 

Spring can't come fast enough.  I don't have any firm plans for this year except getting to Brooks in August for the Medieval Fair.  Can't wait to do something completely different. 

Anyways, I have a nearly 6-year-old kiddo to read a Frozen story to.  Have a wonderful night and, as always, happy horseing! 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Making Things a Little More "Standard"

I'm so excited I finally get to blog about my most exciting adventure - well maybe adventure isn't quite the right word for it although I know it will lead to several...

We picked up our Standard Poodle puppy
 yesterday!!!!  I've been a huge fan of Standard Poodles since I became a dog groomer and have been thinking lately that I'd like to add a dog to my pony show with Jose.  So my ideal dog for this is a white/cream poodle.  Now, the whole idea is a lot easier said than done!  I looked into 3 top S-Poodle breeders in Alberta, all breed for Black.  Now I know a black dog would be just as lovely but my big black horse already gets washed out in pictures.  A big black dog would get lost just as much if not more!  So I went on the hunt for a white S-Poodle and found ONE!!! 

The litter was in Red Deer, so not too far away, and I extensively interrogated the breeder.  The bitch is papered but the stud is not - not that it really matters to me.  They've both been vet certified for health and conformation.  I went and met them after a few weeks, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the stud dog.  He is such a sweet suck <3 The bitch is quite lovely too. 

So I decided it would be a great opportunity to create a surprise for Ali and we had a "girl's day" of lunch at Tony Roma's in Red Deer, a stop to shop at Pet Land after and then off to visit my "friend's Poodle puppies". 

At Pet Land, Ali got to meet 3 Ball Pythons, see a bunch of different fish and reptiles, some birds and hold a Guinea Pig.  We found a toy to take for the puppies too. 

We got to the breeder's and Ali immediately fell in love with all of the puppies.  They were all playful and snuggly.  The bitch dog was good with Ali and enjoyed her antler that I'd brought for her.  The stud dog was away as he is just a little too protective of his pack with new people yet and for Ali's safety, we just took that potential out of the equation.  I had the breeder take video on my phone as I sat our puppy on my lap.  I told Ali this was "Amy" and I had a leash and collar for her.  Ali liked the idea but I could see that she wasn't understanding the implication.  So I told her that this was "our" puppy, that we were going to take her home with us today!  That was much bigger!  She was pretty enthused and has been ever since. 

So now the great adventure begins.  I can teach my horses to do all sorts of behaviors, I'm excited to learn how to train a dog to do them too!!! 

Happy Horseing (and Poodling!!!)

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Why We Do What We Do!

Got word yesterday that, after a long day's travel, little man Jasper (L'Image SE) made it safely to his new mom in Spokane, Wa.  His new mom says she's so happy with him and just loves him. 

This smile is why we do what we do!
He got on the transport trailer at 3:00 in the morning to get to the boarder south of Cranbrook, BC before 3:30 pm.  I was really glad to hear that he ate, drank and slept really well once he got to his destination. 

The last special boy, another half Arab x warmblood gelding, Encore Performance SE, has made us nothing less than proud as punch with his owner, and my friend, Heather.  She has had him down to Scottsdale, AZ for Arabian Sport Horse Dressage. 

Lord knows they don't get much prettier than this pair! 

Can't wait for the 3 foals we're expecting this year to show up.  Making people's dreams (and really, our own as well) come true is the reason we breed.  <3

Happy horseing!